Thinking Tomorrow

Sustainable and high-yield investments between heaven and earth.

Change begins with ideas.

CIC Invest is always on the lookout for just such ideas that can become sustainable and high-yield investments. We believe that it is both a responsibility and an interesting financial opportunity to invest in innovative technologies that at the same time make a positive contribution to the protection of the environment and create added value for our investors.

That is why we not only identify, define, develop and manage these future-oriented investments, but also invest them ourselves. Almost two decades of experience in consulting, planning, realization and management of successful investments make CIC Invest a reliable partner on the way into the future.

CIC Invest is always on the lookout for just such ideas that can become sustainable and high-yield investments. We believe that it is both a responsibility and an interesting financial opportunity to invest in innovative technologies that at the same time make a positive contribution to the protection of the environment and create added value for our investors.

That is why we not only identify, define, develop and manage these future-oriented investments, but also invest them ourselves. Almost two decades of experience in consulting, planning, realization and management of successful investments make CIC Invest a reliable partner on the way into the future.


CIC Invest - Sun

The full-service provider for photovoltaics.

Whether it is an overall project or a demand-oriented individual measure: CIC Invest offers the right service for every phase of a PV project.

Our services range from the selection and evaluation of suitable sites to the calculation of profitability, the development of the project and the support of all approval procedures as well as the construction of the plant, up to the grid connection, maintenance and monitoring.

With a pipeline of more than 1.6 GW, an underwritten development portfolio of over 800 MW, and more than 15 years of experience from a wide range of successful projects, CIC Invest is one of the leaders in the industry.

  • Project development
  • EPC monitoring and support
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Asset Management

CIC Invest - Water

Innovative technologies for water extraction and recycling.

Whether it is the production of drinking water by means of decentralized drinking water extraction from the atmosphere or the treatment of wastewater for use in various areas from agriculture to industry by means of purely biological purification: state-of-the-art technologies form the basis of all CIC Invest projects relating to the existential topic of water.

Our services range from concept development and investment in innovative technologies to their implementation.

In joint ventures with leading companies in the industry, we are working on unique concepts to help secure water supplies and thus safeguard the future.

  • Water extraction
  • Water reprocessing

CIC Invest - Air

Contribute to the solution instead of being part of the problem.

Whether converting passenger aircraft into multifunctional aircraft (e.g. airborne firefighting), transporting bulky/oversized goods or monitoring water pipelines to ensure supply security, among other things: however diverse the areas may be, CIC Invest is always in a position to provide the appropriate services.

Um den Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken auch in der Luftfahrt optimal umzusetzen, sind wir bestrebt, den Einsatz nachhaltiger Flugkraftstoffe und effizienterer Triebwerke sowie weiterer innovativer Technologien als Standard zu definieren.

Through investments in established and excellently networked U.S. companies, we are in a position to actively shape the future of aviation.

  • Aircraft conversion
  • Cargo transport
  • Executive Transport
  • Critical infrastructure monitoring
  • Electric aircraft

CIC Invest – Earth

Wertvolle Immobilien. Nachhaltige Rendite.

CIC Invest steht für exklusive und nachhaltige Immobilieninvestments – von hochwertigen Wohnimmobilien in Deutschland bis zu luxuriösen Ferienresidenzen an den schönsten Orten der Welt. Unsere Projekte vereinen anspruchsvolle Architektur, exzellente Bauqualität und attraktive Renditen für unsere Investoren.

Wir entwickeln, bauen und sanieren ästhetische Wohnimmobilien in Deutschland, die durch moderne Architektur, nachhaltige Bauweise und höchste Qualität überzeugen. Unser Fokus liegt auf wertbeständigen Investitionen mit langfristigem Potenzial. 

Für Investoren, die von einem Feriendomizil mit attraktiver Rendite träumen, bieten wir ausgewählte Projekte in der Karibik, in Südostasien und im südeuropäischen Raum – von exklusiven Villen bis zu High-End-Ferienresorts. Unsere Immobilien werden professionell verwaltet, sodass sich Investoren weder um die Vermietung noch um die Instandhaltung kümmern müssen. Zudem profitieren sie von der Möglichkeit, ihr Investment selbst für erholsame Aufenthalte zu nutzen.

Wir begleiten unsere Investoren von der Auswahl der passenden Immobilie über die optimale Finanzierungsstruktur bis hin zur strategischen Steuerplanung – individuell, transparent und mit einem klaren Fokus auf Werterhalt und Wachstum.

  • Project development
  • Project realization
  • Renting
  • Management
  • Maintenance